Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Immunoglobulin structure

Last year I said that a full paper detailing all the haemoglobin work would be the next project for this blog. As it happens I realised a few months ago that IgG (an immunoglobulin) is like haemoglobin in being an α2β2 tetramer and so I explored tetrahedral rearrangements of the published crystal structure. This project has been very successful. I will present the IgG results on this blog before I complete the larger haemoglobin document.

Rotation-translation operators.

I have changed the form of the rotation and translation operations used to present the results of my earlier studies on neuraminidases, galactose oxidase and haemoglobin. The Convention used by the International Union of Crystallographers is that the rotation should precede the translation. I have now amended the papers linked to this blog to conform with that Convention. Previously I specified the translation before the rotation. The one paper I have not yet amended is the older pdf version of the neuraminidase paper.